C Michael Arnold Attorney Eugene, Mike Arnold Oregon Criminal Defense Attorneys


C. Michael Arnold and Jacy Arnold of Arnold Law Office in Eugene, Oregon are trial lawyers specializing in complex civil litigation, federal felony criminal defense, child custody, family law, drunk driving cases. Featuring Eugene lawyer Mike Arnold.

401 E. 10th Ave. Ste 400
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Michael Arnold on the Oregon Lars Larson Show on law firm gun class in Eugene


Eugene Attorney Mike Arnold speaks to Lars Larson about a concealed handgun class that is being offered to Arnold Law’s staff and attorneys. This is Arnold Law’s unique response.

Attorney Michael Arnold has an Oregon trial practice.  His criminal attorney practice focuses on clients falsely accused of major felonies.  His civil attorney practice focuses on helping small businesses being falsely accused of wrongdoing or being crushed by a larger adversary. As an attorney, Michael Arnold enjoys working with clients and building a relationship.  He understands that an attorney litigation team includes the client and that the client and attorney must work well together to have the greatest likelihood of success.